7 sept 2010

Ottawa, September 3rd, 2010

I arrived to Ottawa yesterday. 
I don't know why but I feel good here. 
A quiet city, also big, but relaxing and peaceful.
I left Trish's house not more than two hours ago, and I've seen two dragonflies already!! 
Dragonflies put me in a good mood. 
I sit under a maple tree. 
A seagull is crying out next to me. 
A bell rings at City Hall. 

I'm thinking about you, lying on the grass and taking some pictures of me.
The wind  blows and moves the flags. 
Maple leaves begin to fall down. 
Red, brown, green and yellow coloured leaves surround me. 
I'm thinking about you, lying on the grass and taking some pictures of me, and you.
I can see you, smiling, and I smile while I'm thinking about you.

I like maple leaves. 

I like you.

I love you. 

Gràcies per aquest any i mig al meu costat.
T'estime Kike.

3 comentarios:

Kike Pérez Colomer dijo...

Su, què bonic... quin despertar més bo m'has donat...

Un any i mig?

Jo creia que ja duiem per lo menys dos i pico! jejeje

Fe el triptic més xicotet que no et cap be a l'entrada.

T'estime wapa

PD: Definitivament hi ha que calibrar la pantalla del teu portàtil...

Susanna Benavent dijo...


si, la veritat es que sembla que portem tota la vida junts. Pero encara ens queda molt de cami.....

Un beset i anim!

Unknown dijo...

UYYYY!!!! però que bonicoooos!!!!!!! enhorabona per l´any i mig....i a per la vidaaaa sanceretaaaa!!!! jijiji